
Ultimate Zombie Defense is a survival horror game set in the outskirts of a once tranquil city in the heart of continental Europe. The city itself and 250 km of the surrounding area were blocked in the hope of stopping the spread of infection, but, unfortunately, all attempts failed.

AVAILABLE FUNCTIONALITY: -At your disposal is a large base-building system with which you can use chain-link fences, sandbags, barbed wire, concrete barriers, turrets, mines, fog lights and other military-grade components!

-You can choose a weapon to your liking from a whole arsenal of weapons to fight the apocalypse: a classic pump-action shotgun, a flamethrower, a grenade launcher, a minigun and much, much more! -Epic slow motion will be activated during the most impressive moments of the game

-Unique boss battles that challenge the most experienced zombie killers

-A variety of infected will fight with you, including 12 unique types of zombie monsters

-Heavy metal will sound in this hell - enjoy the music while destroying crowds of zombies!

-Choose from 8 unique characters to fight an army of living corpses You will be able to play the game for one player in offline mode


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